Bike Week Is Coming!

 In less than three weeks, we'll be heading South for Bike Week 2015. Due to complications involving the attendance policy at our youngest's school, we aren't going to be able to make our usual journey to Savannah.

 This is a heartbreaker, for us... I'm hoping that lots of you ARE able to make the trip to that gorgeous red clay track, and I can't wait to see the pictures and stories you all bring back!

  This year, Savannah is being held on March 6 (the All Star race) and 7 (the AMA Am/Vint race). You can find all of the details at the website of Steve Nace Racing. Camping is available (no charge for primitive camping, and 2014 charges were $30 for the first day and $15 for each additional day if you selected one of the 20 RV/camper spots with hookups), and there are several motels in the vicinity. 

  On Sunday (March 8), the AMA Winter Amateur Championships have Round 2, scheduled at Daytona International Speedway's flat track stadium. The event is being held by Dave Joiner (Fast Fridays). Practice is scheduled to begin at 11;00. For more details, please call (530) 878-7723. We haven't heard much on the details, except that stadium entrance is $15 (kids 4 and under are free).

  Also on Sunday, there will be an All Star race at the Volusia County Speedway half mile, in Barberville, FL. On March 9, Steve Nace Racing will host round 3 of the AMA Am/Vint Championships on that same half mile track... and round 4 will be held on Tuesday, at the Volusia short track!  Camping is available, and there are motels... however, be warned, prices of motels tend to be high, and they fill up early.

  On Wednesday, we'll be heading to Daytona Beach for the annual gathering/induction at the Daytona Memorial. This monument was constructed by Dick Klamfoth to commemorate the original beach and asphalt course... the race that began Bike Week. This gathering brings many of the legends and current racing stars together, as new names are added to the beautiful marble plaques surrounding the center stone. This year, one of the featured guests will be Bobby Hill. While you are there, be sure to snap some shots of the huge stage... the "Bandshell..." that overlooks the Memorial. This is the stage where the original Daytona 200 riders stood, to draw their starting positions out of a helmet.

  This year, it is extra important to us, to show our support of the Klamfoth's project. Just before Christmas, this darling couple lost everything they owned in a house fire. A short time afterwards, Dick took a nasty fall on the ice, suffering a skull fracture in the ordeal. Still, they are insisting that the annual gathering continue as planned. Talk about an Iron Man attitude!!!

  On Thursday and Friday (March 12th and 13th), AMA Pro Flat Track will be kicking off the 2015 race season at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, FL.  

  Helpful advice, for those making their first trip down:

  Make sure you bring:

SUNSCREEN: I learned this, the hard way. Even with overcast and rainy skies, and cold temperatures, I wound up with sun poisoning one year. Even if you don't think you need it... bring sunscreen, and apply it often!

 BLUE GEL TOOTHPASTE: Just a trial-sized bottle, of any brand. This is the best stuff EVER for fireant bites. Fireants are not our friends. Be prepared.


 TOILET PAPER/WET WIPES/TISSUE and HAND SANITIZER: Some of the restrooms and Port-a-Pots get serious use. Bring your own supplies, as odds are pretty high that you will find yourself without one of these necessities sometime during your trip.


 LAYERS OF CLOTHING: Florida mornings can be FREEZING, and the afternoons can be hotter than...well... the Florida sun. The best solution we have found has been one that campers have known, forever... LAYERS. A tank top or T-shirt, with a long-sleeved shirt, and a hoody on top. A warm hat and scarf, in your bag, to replace a sunhat and sunglasses from the afternoon. Plan on experiencing everything between 40-some degrees and 80 degrees, in one day. 


  RAIN GEAR: It seems like there is at least one drizzly day, each year that we go down. Plastic rain ponchos are cheap, and can fit in a pocket. A zipping plastic bag for your camera or cellphone is a lifesaver. If you are in a tent, take an extra tarp and tethers, for extra rain shelter. Word of warning... if the rain gets bad enough, tents WILL flood. Make sure anything that shouldn't get wet is up off the ground, or in your vehicle, and beware of fireants that WILL seek shelter in an unzipped tent.


 CAMERA, BATTERIES, and a SHARPIE: You never know who you are going to run into, or the memories you will make. Keep these things on hand for those unexpected memories and autographs. You'll be glad you did!


Finally, for my fellow Northerners:

  Two things you HAVE to try, while you are "down South..." alligator meat and boiled peanuts. Now, I am the only Chewvillian who loves the peanuts, so just get a little sample to try them out. The gator, on the other hand, is one of the most delicious meats we have ever tried... kind of like the most tender porkchop on earth. Give it a shot!


  So, there you have it... Bike Week in a nutshell. For those of you who will be joining us, we wish you safe travels... please say hello to us, while you are there! For those of you who can't make it, this year, we will do our best to share our adventures here and on Facebook. It's not the same as being there, but we'll do our best. 


 Peace, Love, and Pea Gravel!

Chew & Mia

(The Fans in the Stands)

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