We are considering dubbing 2014 as "the race reunion" year. As we posted, earlier, it had been 22 years since the previous race in Henry, IL. Well, it had been 23 years since the last one in Bucyrus. Little did we know, when we stopped here in October to snap pics for our "remember when" album, plans were already in the works for a great return.
And, "great" it was!
About 131 entries were tallied, as racers competed in front of the nicely-filled Grandstands. Steve Nace and crew (with the family of 2012 Horizon Award winner, J.R.Addison, as their right arm) put on a fantastic program.
Speaking of J.R... this young man had the crowd on their feet, winning consistently on his hometown track!
We were thrilled to see that Justin Zeigler has finally received his long-coveted Expert license. Congratulations, "Ziggy!"
There were quite a few of the "big names" on the line-up: Jared Mees, Robert Pearson Jeffrey Carver, Brandon Robinson, and Chad Cose were among the names that the "GNC purists" would have recognized, from the stands!
There were some very familiar faces among the spectators, as well!
All in all, it was another great night of back-to-back up-on-your-feet racing. I can't tell you how thrilling it was to witness yet another fantastic "return of the races." We are already looking forward to next year!
You can find full results, here. To check out the album of ALL of our pictures, just click here!
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